Journal of Cardiology
Volume45 No.4 April 2005
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原 著 | |
Thiazolidinedione Treatment Attenuates Diffuse Neointimal Hyperplasia in Restenotic Lesions After Coronary Stent Implantation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients:An Intravascular Ultrasound Study(English text) | |
Tsutomu TAKAGI, Atsushi YAMAMURO, Koichi TAMITA, Minako KATAYAMA, Shigefumi MORIOKA | 139 |
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Fallot四徴症術後の左肺動脈狭窄に対するステント留置:血行動態的改善の予測因子 | |
村上智明・上野倫彦 | 149 |
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症例報告 | |
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy With Progression From Apical Hypertrophy to Asymmetrical Septal Hypertrophy:A Case Report(English text) | |
Hiroaki KITAOKA, Tomoo KUWAHARA, Koji NISHIDA, Keisuke MORIMOTO, Toru KUBO, Makoto OKAWA, Takashi FURUNO, Yoshinori DOI | 155 |
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Esophageal Varices Without Porto-Systemic Venous Pressure Gradient in a Patient With Post-Pericar-diotomy Constrictive Pericarditis:A Case Report(English text) | |
Kazuyuki OZAKI, Makoto KODAMA, Fumio YAMASHITA, Tsuyoshi YOSHIDA, Satoru HIRONO, Kiminori KATO, Yoshifusa AIZAWA | 161 |
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長期生存した孤立性肺動脈弁欠損症の1例 | |
岡島一恵・河瀬吉雄・長谷川隆生・破戸克規・西本正紀・吉川純一 | 165 |
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Cardiovascular Imaging In-a-Month | |
ペーシング不全を呈した症例のFluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography所見 | |
岩藤泰慶・四宮かおり・大森浩二・河野雅和・千田彰一 | 173 |
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Letters to the Editor | |
177 | |
Book Review | 181 |
編集後記 | 184 |
循環器病の診断と治療に関するガイドライン | |
循環器疾患における抗凝固・抗血小板療法に関するガイドライン | Appendix 367 |