Journal of Cardiology Cases is live in PMC!(October, 2018)
We are delighted to announce that Journal of Cardiology Cases (JC Cases) is now fully indexed in the free journal archive PubMed Central®(PMC). Publication in JC Cases will give our authors greater discoverability and visibility from all over the world.
Papers published in 2017 and going forward is now searchable in PMC. Additionally, we will retrospectively deposit all papers in the journal from 2010-2016 as well.
We encourage you to submit your interesting cases for consideration of publication in JC Cases.
JC Cases:
Journal of Cardiology Cases
Elsevier Journal site:
Aims and Scope
Journal of Cardiology Cases (JC Cases) is an official peer-reviewed online journal of the Japanese College of Cardiology (JCC) dedicated to case reports. JC Cases provides an appropriate forum for all cardiologists by rapidly publishing their important clinical cases. Accepted articles are online soon after author proofs are returned with assigned volume and page numbers (article-based publishing).
One year after their publication, all articles become accessible, at no cost, also to nonsubscribers, and especially notable articles are discussed in JC Cases editorials. An E-offprint (PDF) is provided at no charge to the author. JC Cases is the leading journal of cardiological case reports published in English.
Editorial Board
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